Turbo Chargers

Sales, Service and Repairs of all types of Turbo Chargers. Stockits of Light & Heavy Vehicle TURBO Chargers. Complete Turbo & Cartridge, Turbo Actuators, Turbo Timers, Turbo Repair Kits, Shafts, Backplates, Center Bearings, Compressor Wheels, Mining Turbo, Generators, Earthmoving, Machinery, KKK Turbo, BorgWarner & CAT Turbos. Your official distributor for Holset, Schwitzer & Garret Turbo Chargers. In stock & Overhaul.
312 Affirmative Way, Willowvale, Harare, harare, , Mashonaland, Zimbabwe
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312 Affimative Way
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312 Affirmative Way,
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