Drive cautiously and maintain safe distance from the car which is in front of you.
Be on the lookout for buses and heavy vehicles along the highways and exercise caution particularly where the road may be narrow.
Do not overtake unnecessarily.
Exercise due care and attention when overtaking buses or heavy trucks or more than one vehicle in front.
Share the driving if your passenger/s is licensed to do so. This is important for the long journeys where tiredness and fatigue may work against safe motoring.
If you need to rest, you may use the “lay-bys” on the sides of the high ways. Be careful and be vigilant and do not park for an extended period of time. It is advisable to park at the nearest built-up or busy areas, e.g. shops and service stations on the highways. Rest or sleep for 15 minutes to 30 minutes and continue with the journey.
Be on the lookout for stray animals and livestock and exercise due caution.
Be on the lookout for animal crossing signs and spots and exercise due caution.
Be on the lookout for heavy vehicle crossing signs and spots and exercise due caution.
Watch out for heavy vehicles carrying wide bodied loads including heavy and big machinery and exercise due care. They usually have an accompanying car escort clearly marked so.
If it is difficult to continue to drive in adverse weather conditions, pull over to the side of the road.
If you are so parked, switch on the hazard lights so that you are visible to both pedestrians and other motorists.
It is always advisable to travel after heavy downpours have subsided.
Do not drive over or for that matter speed over road surfaces which are covered with water unless you are familiar with that stretch of road. Such water covered surfaces may be hide potholes and open holes.
Never cross flooded bridges.
Do not pick up passengers or strangers along the way. It is is dangerous to do so.